Embedded Computers

At approximately the last 20 years, many household appliances, particularly including a panel of video games but also includes a cell phone, video cassette recorders, PDAs and many in the household, industrial, automotive, and other electronic equipment, all of which contain electronic circuits such as computer eligible Turing-complete the above (with a note that the programs of these devices are often made directly in the ROM chip which would need to be changed to change the engine program). Other special purpose computer is generally known as a "microcontroller" or "Embedded computer" (embedded computer). Therefore, many of which restrict the definition to computer main purpose tool that is processing information, rather than becoming part of larger systems such as telephone, microwave oven, or a plane, and can be modified for various purposes by users with no physical modifications. The main frame computer, minikomputer, and personal computers (PCs) are the main types of computers that have this definition.

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1 Response to "Embedded Computers"

  1. Raymond says:
    28 April 2017 pukul 03.45

    Technologies are amongst us nowadays. From the household appliances, cars, gadgets to the electronic equipment, you name it. Embedded computers are one of the technology that is developed to a unique system for one device. Embedded computers have an elaborate and exceptionally efficient power management technology. These devices need only a small volume of resources to effectively & regularly function. The performance specs for embedded computers are virtually absent. Thus, manufacturing companies can fabricate less-complex products at affordable prices. Oftentimes, the system is integrated into standalone items. Industrial PC manufacturers will build a device with a unique function. Mostly, embedded systems have extensive applications in consumer, commercial, and industrial markets. Even military computers and devices use embedded networks. So, embedded computers have a very wide of applications in any human activity. This blog has explained what embedded computer really means. By the way, thanks for sharing this.

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